TB4942F [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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To travel from cache to cache meeting Brownies from around the UK, and hopefully around the World!
I was placed in a cache on 10th June 2014 by 1st Shirenewton Brownies at the end of a very wet evening spent finding Geocaches in woods near Chepstow, South-East Wales. The Brownies chose to do Geocaching as an activity as part of the Big Brownies Birthday Challenge which celebrates 100 years of the Brownies. I'd love to meet other Brownies and Brownie packs as I travel around Wales, the UK, and hopefully the World.
Gallery Images related to Big Brownie Birthday Challenge The Big Brownie Birthday ChallengeView All 9 Gallery Images
On the road, will place him in our next cache
Our first trackable
Gevonden in België bij het mooie Baarle-Nassau. Wordt ergens anders weer achter gelaten.
We fond this one at a beautyfull place.
Geogroeten from tinoboot Belgium
Nice surprise! :)
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