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Travel Bug Dog Tag Der Saarländer

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schtiwi Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saarland, Germany
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In the hands of majema.

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Wie der Name das schon leicht andeutet, dieser Trackable möchte in seinem Heimatland bleiben und dort ganz viele schöne Plätze sehen.

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Gallery Images related to Der Saarländer

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    Tracking History (2258.2mi) View Map

    Visited 9/22/2024 majema took it to Saarpolygon - Das T5 Kletterevent Vol.2 Saarland, Germany - 9.32 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/19/2024 majema took it to Das goldene Buch der Schmelzer Lichtspiele Saarland, Germany - 271.91 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/8/2024 majema took it to Saarpaddeln zum Saarpolygon BONUS Saarland, Germany - 1.85 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 9/8/2024 majema took it to Saarpolygon - Virtual Reward 4.0 Saarland, Germany - 268.07 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/25/2024 majema took it to Island feeling Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 13.22 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/24/2024 majema took it to TXL Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 2.19 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/23/2024 majema took it to De Schicht Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 277.89 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/14/2024 majema took it to Plankenpit im Vergessenen Wald (Nachtcache NC) Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 25.18 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/21/2024 majema took it to Alte Kokerei Drive In Saarland, Germany - 29.18 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 5/25/2024 majema took it to Familie Meise sucht eine neue Wohnung III Saarland, Germany - 91.43 miles  Visit Log
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