TB40XZX [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Dna 11.3.2007 som nasiel svoju prvu kesku (Kaplicka sv. Petra a Pavla) v Ceskej republike. Slovenska prva keska: Kozia Brana (ktoru som nasiel iba podla hintu) mi otvorila branu Geocachingu..........
No additional details available.
Gallery Images related to Fifo821 Untitled-1View 1 Gallery Image
please mark this TB as missing, its not in this cache :(
Still not in the cache. Most likely it was never in the cache, as the container is much too small.
I found "Cumil :: Man at work" cache but it did not contain this TB.
Sorry, in this cache "Cumil :: Man at work" wasn't a TB or Coin! 😟
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