The Colors Of Geocaching Geocoin
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Team Gilicache
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Tracking History (7106.8mi) View Map
Team Gilicache took it to The Third - Himmelstreppe
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- 21.62 miles
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Team Gilicache took it to Spaß auf dr Gass #5 Mafa´s Erleuchtung
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- 29.82 miles
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Team Gilicache took it to Moos Moos Moos
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- .23 miles
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Team Gilicache took it to Botnanger Aussichtscache 4
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- 36.47 miles
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Team Gilicache took it to Hoch auf der Eichhalde
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- 7.11 miles
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Team Gilicache took it to Die dicken Drei
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- 2.74 miles
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Team Gilicache took it to [WIR-PP] Süd
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- 1.84 miles
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Team Gilicache took it to MoCache42 - Aichelau
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- 198.03 miles
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Team Gilicache took it to House 36 -Lost Place-
Veneto, Italy
- 3.31 miles
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Team Gilicache took it to Surf a tree
Veneto, Italy
- 86.62 miles
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data on this page is cached for 3 mins