100 jaar Scouting
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Sunday, September 22, 2013
Limburg, Netherlands
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Geocoin van het bestaan van 100 jaar scouting nederland.
Tracking History (7850.7mi) View Map
lunagrid took it to De Muur
Limburg, Netherlands
- .95 miles
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lunagrid took it to 17 dagen tot Kerst
Limburg, Netherlands
- 2.37 miles
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lunagrid took it to Ciao zäme! Tot ziens!
Limburg, Netherlands
- 60.12 miles
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lunagrid took it to Essener Dom - Münsterkirche (de/en)
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
- 71.06 miles
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lunagrid took it to De aankondiging
Limburg, Netherlands
- 15.61 miles
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lunagrid took it to Geschiedenis ontdekken in 𝕷𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖆𝖋 - 31
Limburg, Netherlands
- 1.45 miles
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lunagrid took it to Wat is dat??
Limburg, Netherlands
- .13 miles
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lunagrid took it to Wie wil er geen FTF op 29-02 in Landgraaf
Limburg, Netherlands
- 9.64 miles
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lunagrid took it to Geschiedenis ontdekken in 𝕷𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖆𝖋 - 29
Limburg, Netherlands
- 9.09 miles
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lunagrid took it to Takkeding
Limburg, Netherlands
- 104.83 miles
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