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Cachekinz - Legendary Series Bigfoot Junior

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Friday, May 13, 2011
Recently Spotted:
In 2008-2013 casamafa's 5th Anniversary

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Current Goal

Bigfoot Juniorhas started his journey from Finland after having seen a bear in the neighborhood of the first cache he has ever lived in. He wants to travel around Europe, see other hairy creatures of his kind in woods or zoos and finally get back to Finland again.

About This Item

BigFoot valmiina matkalle

No additional details available.

Gallery Images related to Bigfoot Junior

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Tracking History (26194.4mi) View Map

Dropped Off 7/29/2024 meury placed it in 2008-2013 casamafa's 5th Anniversary Ticino, Switzerland - .58 miles  Visit Log

Hier beim Cache 2008-2013 casamafa's 5th
Anniversary geht unsere Reise zu Ende.
Viel Glück auf deiner Reise.
Liebe Grüsse meury

Visited 7/29/2024 meury took it to Matematicando II Ticino, Switzerland - 6.17 miles  Visit Log


Visited 7/28/2024 meury took it to BONUS LabCache - CWT Gordola Ticino, Switzerland - .39 miles  Visit Log


Visited 7/28/2024 meury took it to TB Space Hotel Ticino, Switzerland - .4 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/28/2024 meury took it to CFP - Gordola Ticino, Switzerland - 9.15 miles  Visit Log


Visited 7/27/2024 meury took it to La Madona di Spond Ticino, Switzerland - 4.08 miles  Visit Log


Visited 7/27/2024 meury took it to Vergeletto - I vecchi mulini Ticino, Switzerland - 3.17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/27/2024 meury took it to La Miseria Ticino, Switzerland - 2.21 miles  Visit Log


Visited 7/27/2024 meury took it to Josef und Marina Ticino, Switzerland - .1 miles  Visit Log


Visited 7/27/2024 meury took it to GS#74 - Was soll Herr Geiser in Basel? Ticino, Switzerland - 1.21 miles  Visit Log


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