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Cachekinz Billy

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Friday, February 10, 2012
North West England, United Kingdom
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In the hands of felixthanos.

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Current Goal

Our old dog Billy loved water of any kind from muddy ditches to fast flowing rivers,streams to water falls,puddles to ponds and could have been found in all over his life time but he didn't like rain!!
Billy would like to visit all places where water can be found all around the world,he loved the out doors and walked for miles during his life. Billy now has to travel with his friend the dog TB he is joined to so please do not detach.
Billy died on October 4th 2011 as his spine crumbled and he could walk no more.RIP old friend x  [|)]
Lets keep Billy walking together.........

About This Item

Dog travel bug with key ring attached.Key ring has 2 photos of our old German Shepherd in,his name was Billy.
Please do not seperate.Thanks.
This is the replacement TB for the original as the first one went missing.

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Tracking History (72806.5mi) View Map

Visited 1/28/2024 Kehrbi took it to Königreich Kempen - K2.01 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 9.79 miles  Visit Log
Visited 1/28/2024 Kehrbi took it to Am Keltischen Stein-Labyrinth Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 6.78 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 12/15/2023 Kehrbi retrieved it from WWAC 2023 VIE #15 - Advent im Spielzeugladen Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany   Visit Log

Weiter geht die Reise 🙂

Dropped Off 12/15/2023 schnuckel1 placed it in WWAC 2023 VIE #15 - Advent im Spielzeugladen Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 2.17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/4/2023 schnuckel1 took it to 🎄Äh Tännchen please 2023🎄 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 8.65 miles  Visit Log

travel with us for a while

Visited 12/3/2023 schnuckel1 took it to Cacher der Tafelrunde #07 - Willicher Winterwelt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 8.14 miles  Visit Log

travel with us for a while

Visited 12/1/2023 schnuckel1 took it to Weihnachtsmarkt in Rheydt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 13.78 miles  Visit Log

travel with us for a while

Visited 11/26/2023 schnuckel1 took it to Ist denn schon Weihnachten? 3.0 TB Hotel Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - .01 miles  Visit Log

travel with us for a while

Visited 11/26/2023 schnuckel1 took it to Ist denn schon Weihnachten? 3.0 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 140.4 miles  Visit Log

travel with us for a while

Visited 11/26/2023 schnuckel1 took it to Gotteshäuser : Die ev. Kirche in Grifte Hessen, Germany - 5.94 miles  Visit Log

travel with us for a while

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