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Green Key of Bremen Geocoin ~saer~ Key of Bremen Geocoin - Green Edition - EverBug

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Bremen, Germany
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About This Item

Key of Bremen

Idee: TandT

Design: TandT &


Über diese Coin:

"Hamburg ist das Tor zur Welt - aber Bremen hat den Schlüssel dazu."

So zumindest sagt es der Volksmund bezogen auf die jeweiligen Stadtwappen der beiden Hansestädte. Der Bremer Schlüssel ist in seinen Ursprüngen ein Himmelsschlüssel. Das bekannte Attribut des Apostels Petrus wird hergeleitet aus dem Bibelwort: »Ich will Dir des Himmelreiches Schlüssel geben« (Matth. 16, Vers 19). Auf dem zusammen mit dem neuen Stadtsiegel 1366 in Gebrauch genommenen kleineren Sekretsiegel sieht man Petrus, den Schutzpatron des Bremer Domes, thronend und unter seinen Füßen einen Wappenschild mit einem gotischen Schlüssel - der älteste Nachweis für das Stadtwappen. Aus dem Schlüssel Petri wurde der Bremer Schlüssel, eines der vielen Wahrzeichen der Stadt Bremen.

Bremen, seit 1945 die "Freie Hansestadt Bremen", bestehend aus den Städten Bremen und Bremerhaven, ist das kleinste Bundesland der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Nicht ohne Stolz verweisen die Bremerinnen und Bremer bei vielen Gelegenheiten auf ihre traditionsreiche, immer wieder angefeindete und bedrohte Selbständigkeit, für die der Bremer Schlüssel ein Symbol ist. Bremen - der Schlüssel zur Welt.

  • trackbar mit eigenem Icon   
  • 3d Vorderseite
  • 2d Rückseite
  • Soft enamel Farbe
  • Gewicht 12 g
  • 55mm x 33 mm
  • 3 mm dick
  • Antik Silber / grün
  • Auflage: 200

.: Editionen :.

Key of Bremen Geocoin - Red Edition (RE 200)
Key of Bremen Geocoin – Prince Edition (RE 100)
Key of Bremen Geocoin – Princess Edition (LE 50)
Key of Bremen Geocoin - Royal Edition (AE 100)
Key of Bremen Geocoin - Green Edition (RE 200)
Orange Key of Bremen Geocoin
Key of Bremen Geocoin - Schwarz

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Tracking History (126669.9mi) View Map

Discovered It 12/11/2024 VaderBES discovered it   Visit Log

Spotted today, thank you

Discovered It 11/17/2024 wogunhiker discovered it   Visit Log

Spotted today, thank you from AZ!

Discovered It 10/24/2024 öuficacher discovered it   Visit Log

Danke fürs zeigen

Discovered It 10/16/2024 Thecatbee21 discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered, thanks!

Discovered It 10/2/2024 Květy discovered it   Visit Log

On the internet. Thank you.

Discovered It 8/31/2024 Leica_GeoTeam discovered it   Visit Log

Danke fürs teilen

Discovered It 7/29/2024 Blue Puma discovered it   Visit Log

Gesehen online in einer Trackable-Beschreibung. Vielen Dank fürs Zeigen.

Discovered It 7/17/2024 JMVonFange discovered it   Visit Log

My mom, CRVonFange, shared her "discovered" TB data base with me to see if I could fill in a few missing TBCodes from my notes but I thought that I would start by discovering a few more trackables from her list today.

Discovered It 7/15/2024 CRVonFange discovered it   Visit Log

Thanks to the 2023 Christmas Day blizzard in northeast Nebraska my daughter, JMVonFange, was delayed in heading home to Oklahoma so we spent the bonus time together comparing our caching statistics including trackables moved/discovered and looking through our geocaching pictures and notes. After many hours of checking TB Codes from pictures and on scraps of paper, I have done my best to create a “discovered/to discover” data base of trackables. Of course, some of the TB Codes have been retrieved and discovered in a cache we visited or an event that was attended, but many more were spotted virtually on various social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. I found a number of TB Codes necessary for discovering the trackable were actually included right on the TB Page itself or as an unintentional spoiler in the TB photo gallery; however, a few TB owners have included tracking codes on their profile page. I also found TB codes left behind by other cachers in cache and TB logs.

Hopefully, my data base will help me to avoid multiple discoveries of the same trackable item although I did find several TBs that I have actually retrieved/grabbed/moved twice. If I have accidentally discovered your trackable due to a typo, I hope that you will allow my discovered log to remain even though virtual discoveries are becoming less common, as I appreciate the opportunity to see such a wide variety of different and unique trackable items. I only have two trackables that are activated at this time, one is lost in the wild and the other is traveling with me, but I will gladly share the codes with you via the geocaching message center if you are interested in discovering them. You can reach out the same way if you want one or more of your TBs to visit caches in Nebraska, Iowa, and/or South Dakota.

The TB Code for this trackable item was found on the trackable page for TB5NFBC, although I am not sure how I originally found that TB.

Discovered It 5/30/2024 icmsv discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered online. Thanks!

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