TB3NCYW [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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This 10 year Tee-Shirt wants to visit as many caches and visit as many places as possible. So ty it on for a while then move it to another cache if you would and try to keep it off my ever growing missing in action list.........................Thanks
10 year Geo-Tee Shirt Travel Tag
Gallery Images related to 10 Year TeeView All 2 Gallery Images
vist durant molts mesos i anys a diferents Esdeveniments més Heavy del Geocatxing al Roda de Gavà !!!
Thank you for sharing this nice "10 Year Tee" Travel-Tag found on your profil.
Wir haben heute einen TB ( TB3W1WQ ) mitgenommen, in dessen Bildergalerie noch ein Foto des 10 Year Tee Tb´s von 2012 ist. Vielen Dank, dass man ihn so noch sehen kann und liebe Grüße von Frau Uchidoc
The coin is logged into the cache "Casamanya", but it's not there! The one who took it out should log it! Greetings nekromiko
Discovered, Thanks for sharing.
Visto<br />Log realizado virtualmente mediante <b>www.Geoardilla.es</b>
Vist a la xarxa
Vist durant el MEGA Event Catalunya!
Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.
discovered thanks for sharing
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