Zvenniz - Olines TB
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Saturday, September 24, 2011
Västra Götaland, Sweden
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Sve: Olines TB ska färdas från cache till cache. Ta gärna foton med andra Nalle Puh-figurer och lägg upp. Hoppas den kan glädja andra barn när de upptäcker den i en cache.
Eng: Olines TB should travel from cache to cache. Feel free to take photos with other Winnie the Poohcharacters. Hope it can make other children happy when they discover it in a cache.
This TB would also like you to make a move in the board game on The OvsX Travel Bug Battle page.
Sve: Oline är mitt barnbarn och hon bor i Oslo. Hon var två år gammal när denna TB släpptes. Oline gillar Nalle Puh. Olines TB är en liten Ior-figur som hon har lekt med.
Eng: Oline is my granddaughter and lives in Oslo. She was two years old when this TB was released. Oline really likes Winnie the Pooh. Olines TB is a small Eeyore which she has played with.
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Tracking History (11572.8mi) View Map
RobinOK discovered it
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Tento TB/GC jsem viděl již dříve, ale nestíhal jsem zapsat. Díky.
I have seen this TB/GC before. Thanks.
RobinOK discovered it
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Viděn již dříve, ale až dnes jsem našel papírek s kódem. Pěkný kousek, díky.
kosacipce discovered it
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pytris placed it in Zejbro
Pardubický kraj, Czechia
- 20.07 miles
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Sorry for keeping your TB for so long - we placed it in our new cache near the nice creek Zejbro.
pytris took it to Zlebsky letterbox
Středočeský kraj, Czechia
- 20.12 miles
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pytris took it to Pojd dolu...
Pardubický kraj, Czechia
- 4.92 miles
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pytris took it to Pet tydnu u Paletinske kaple
Pardubický kraj, Czechia
- 95.29 miles
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pytris took it to PETul
Jihočeský kraj, Czechia
- 29.89 miles
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pytris retrieved it from Rekreacni les Bor
Jihočeský kraj, Czechia
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Nice donkey from tale, our kids love. We shall move it a bit. Thanx
pfux discovered it
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Tento pěkný kousek jsem spatřil na Eventu: Červnový geopokec v ČB
Díky za ukázku.
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