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Travel Bug Dog Tag "Mein Freund, der Winzer"

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heuni Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Weinbaugebiete in Deutschland, Europa und anderen Kontinenten


Wine regions in Germany, Europe and other continents

About This Item

Mein Freund, der Winzer

Über diesen Gegenstand:

Wir, das sind die „heunis“ haben einen langjährigen Winzerfreund in Ediger-Eller

an der Mosel.

Diesen TB möchten wir als Dank für viele schöne Aufenthalte auf die Reise schicken,

damit er noch andere Weinbaugebiete auf der ganzen Welt kennen lernt.

Ein Antrittsbesuch bei unserem Winzerfreund in Ediger-Eller wäre natürlich ein Traum.

Über Fotos mit mir für mein Fotoalbum würde ich mich sehr freuen.

Die Reise kann beginnen........


On this subject:

We are the "Heunis" have a long-term winemakers friend in Ediger-Eller
on the Mosel.
This TB than we would like to send you for many wonderful stays on the trip,
so he gets to know other wine regions around the world.

A first visit to our winery friends in Ediger-Eller, of course, would be a dream.

About photos with me for my photo album I would be very happy.

The journey can begin ........

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Tracking History (46703.6mi) View Map

Mark Missing 5/3/2020 Marsianer70 marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 3/17/2019 erlandacaja posted a note for it   Visit Log

War leider nicht im Hotel.

Write note 10/21/2018 ari&chris posted a note for it   Visit Log

not in this cache !

Write note 10/9/2018 WoellDus posted a note for it   Visit Log

Nicht gefunden in der Box GC3EVG0.
Not found here.

Dropped Off 9/24/2018 Geomicha1 placed it in GC & TB Haltestelle Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 97.7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/19/2018 Geomicha1 took it to Vier gewinnt - Teil 1 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 61.57 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/13/2018 Geomicha1 took it to ..★. Angeln auf dem Rheidter Werth #1 .★.. Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 46.62 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/3/2018 Geomicha1 took it to Horstkopf Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 85.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/23/2018 Geomicha1 took it to Event unter Tage Limburg, Netherlands - 5.57 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/23/2018 Geomicha1 took it to Emmerichs Kamin Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 70.12 miles  Visit Log
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