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Travel Bug Dog Tag Atlantic Ambulance 2

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Saturday, August 7, 2010
New Jersey, United States
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Use TB3M42Q to reference this item.

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Current Goal

In real life, I take sick people to hospitals and people that need care after the hospital to nursing homes. My mission is to have my picture taken at every hospital in New Jersey. It can be a buliding that used to be a hospital or a current operating hospital. Please help move me along and snap a photo of me at a hospital wherever you go! Thanks for keeping me moving!

About This Item

Atlantic Ambulance #2 is the second  travel bug in a series of travel bugs that are ambulances from the Atlantic Ambulance Corporation fleet. For more information on Atlantic Ambulance, visit our website at:

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    Tracking History (15350.5mi) View Map

    Mark Missing 4/4/2016 petkatlat marked it as missing   Visit Log

    This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

    Dropped Off 1/21/2016 atelleria placed it in Russell Street Bug Hotel Montana - 250.59 miles  Visit Log

    Have carried you to three states and to Ireland. Now it's time for someone else to have a turn.

    Visited 11/14/2015 atelleria took it to Pattee Orange, The Last Hole Montana - .68 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Pattee Orange, The Last Hole (GC4J0GM)

    Visited 11/8/2015 atelleria took it to Pattee Strollin' Montana - 251.42 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Pattee Strollin' (GC361CB)

    Visited 10/12/2015 atelleria took it to Valentine's Cache Montana - 251.27 miles  Visit Log

    I just moved to montana. This is on a hike I take my dogs on everyday.

    Visited 7/13/2015 atelleria took it to Strawberry Scream Idaho - .15 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Strawberry Scream (GC5Q44X)

    Visited 7/13/2015 atelleria took it to Dinosaur Train Gigantosaurus Idaho - .09 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Dinosaur Train Gigantosaurus (GC2CT73)

    Visited 7/13/2015 atelleria took it to Don't Pine For Me Idaho - 250.57 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Don't Pine For Me (GC10VCZ)

    Visited 7/9/2015 atelleria took it to Pattee Creek Duck Pond Montana - .18 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Pattee Creek Duck Pond (GC180XV)

    Visited 7/9/2015 atelleria took it to Rockin' Robin Montana - 308.59 miles  Visit Log

    My first FTF!

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