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Travel Bug Dog Tag Alces alces

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Sunday, December 7, 2014
Uppsala, Sweden
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Current Goal

Jag börjar bli till åren så jag vill komma tillbaka till mina hemtrakter i Uppsala-Tierp-Gävle i sverige.


I'm starting to get to the years so I want to come back to my home areas in Uppsala-Tierp-Gävle in sweden.

About This Item

Källa Wikipedia / From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Älg (Alces alces) är världens största nu levande hjortdjur. Den förekommer i norra Europa, Asien och Nordamerika. Utöver sin storlek känns älgen igen på den hos hanarna stora flertaggade kronan. Den förekommer vanligtvis i löv- och blandskog i tempererat till subarktiskt klimat. Älgen har haft ett mycket större globalt utbredningsområde men jakt och annan mänsklig aktivitet har reducerat populationen genom historien. Den lever av växtdelar, som blad och vattenväxter. Till skillnad från de flesta hjortdjuren så lever älgen till största delen ensam. Älgen är dagaktiv och förflyttar sig stora sträckor. Den är oftast sävlig och rör sig långsamt men kan vid fara förflytta sig mycket snabbt och också uppvisa aggressivitet. Den parar sig om hösten då hanar kampar om specifika honor. Vissa auktoriteter delar upp älgen i två arter och behandlar populationen av älg i Amerika och östra Sibirien som arten Alces americanus. Älgen ses som ett viktigt jaktvilt på många platser runt om i världen.

The moose (North America) or Eurasian elk (Europe), Alces alces, is the largest extant species in the deer family. Moose are distinguished by the palmate antlers of the males; other members of the family have antlers with a dendritic ("twig-like") configuration. Moose typically inhabit boreal and mixed deciduous forests of the Northern Hemisphere in temperate tosubarctic climates. Moose used to have a much wider range but hunting and other human activities greatly reduced it over the years. Moose have been reintroduced to some of their former habitats. Currently, most moose are found in Canada,Alaska, Scandinavia and Russia. Their diet consists of both terrestrial and aquatic vegetation. The most common moose predators are wolves, bears, and humans. Unlike most other deer species, moose are solitary animals and do not form herds. Although generally slow-moving and sedentary, moose can become aggressive and move surprisingly quickly if angered or startled. Their mating season in the autumn can lead to spectacular fights between males competing for a female.

Der Elch (Alces alces) ist die größte heute vorkommende Art der Hirsche. Sein Lebensraum erstreckt sich über Nordeuropa, Nordasien und Nordamerika.

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    Tracking History (40577mi) View Map

    Mark Missing 11/15/2020 rae+sid marked it as missing   Visit Log

    This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

    Write note 10/23/2020 Bearhugger70 posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Definitely not in cache.

    Write note 1/23/2020 rae+sid posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Not in cache....MIA 😢

    Discovered It 11/29/2019 pony1966 discovered it Southern England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Thanks for sharing. Greetings from Australia

    Discovered It 8/28/2019 Joolay discovered it Southern England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Thank you for your wonderful trackable found at the Clearwaters Mega. It was an awesome Mega and so many people bought their trackables for discovery.

    Discovered It 8/11/2019 DARKSIDEDAN discovered it Southern England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    G'Day from Down Under,

    Im DARKSIDEDAN aka Daniel from Canberra, Australia and I have had the pleasure of discovering your Travelbug or Geocoin during my travels as a Geocacher.

    Here is a little information about me. At the time of this discovery I have been geocaching since 2015 and I have over 5600 finds plus 340 hides. I created a Lab Cache called Duck Dip that won 2nd Place in the State Vs State - Battle of the Lab Caches during the OzGeoMuster - The Gong Mega 2019 in Wollongong, Australia. Currently I have over 4600 Pathtags in my collection. I also won the right to place a Virtual 2.0 Cache from

    I love discovering Geocaches, Trackables and collecting Pathtags. It's a real pleasure to be able to discover your Trackable and I hope that you enjoy Geocaching as much as I do. Thanks again for sharing your Trackable with the Geocaching Community.

    Best Wishes,
    DARKSIDEDAN aka Daniel

    Dropped Off 7/16/2019 mackiespal placed it in Aylesbury TB + GC Hotel Southern England, United Kingdom - 31.06 miles  Visit Log
    Discovered It 7/14/2019 Samuel737 discovered it   Visit Log

    Discovered at Clearwaters

    Visited 7/13/2019 mackiespal took it to War Memorial #509 ~ Watton-at-Stone Eastern England, United Kingdom - 37.28 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/13/2019 mackiespal took it to A Fine Pair # 1148 ~ Watton-at-Stone Eastern England, United Kingdom - 37.31 miles  Visit Log
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