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Travel Racer Antique

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jvr18 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Michigan, United States
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Travel Racer's mission is to travel to race tracks around the world because the travel bug's owner is a NASCAR and Indy race fan. Fast traveling!

About This Item

I have replaced the original travel bug with a proxy after it was missing for a year. I hope this little racer keeps circulating!

Gallery Images related to Travel Racer Antique

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    Tracking History (1925mi) View Map

    Mark Missing 7/10/2017 jvr18 marked it as missing   Visit Log

    The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

    Dropped Off 6/25/2016 greenearth124 placed it in CW3 - Bald Eagle Michigan - 109.4 miles  Visit Log
    Discovered It 4/1/2016 Mousser discovered it   Visit Log

    Saw on leap day

    Retrieve It from a Cache 3/27/2016 greenearth124 retrieved it from Maizie's Walk in Woolley Park Michigan   Visit Log

    Picked up from Maizie's Walk in Woolley Park and will move along soon. Cool old car!

    Dropped Off 2/2/2016 TeamRiggs placed it in Maizie's Walk in Woolley Park Michigan - 98.91 miles  Visit Log

    I drove this trackable a couple hours south from Auburn, Michigan to Pittsfield Township, Michigan.

    • Near a frisbee golf course in Pittsfield Township
    Retrieve It from a Cache 1/29/2016 TeamRiggs retrieved it from Valentines Day Michigan   Visit Log

    I have this hot wheel as a kid! I will move it on

    Dropped Off 11/7/2015 TomA-MI placed it in Valentines Day Michigan - 131.43 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 9/25/2015 TomA-MI retrieved it from Extending the Trail #2 Michigan   Visit Log

    Will get it moving.

    Dropped Off 9/8/2015 jvr18 placed it in Extending the Trail #2 Michigan - 136.9 miles  Visit Log
    Grab It (Not from a Cache) 9/8/2015 jvr18 grabbed it   Visit Log

    Putting out a replacement bug.

    data on this page is cached for 3 mins