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Award Geocoin ~100 Geocaches~ Geocoin 100ster für avatar58

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Avatar58 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Berlin, Germany
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In the hands of the owner.

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Current Goal

Er bleibt in meinem Besitz und besucht mit mir Caches auf der ganzen Welt.

About This Item

Award zu meinem 100sten Cache, überreicht am 20.11.2010 am "Wuhlewächter" von stardust3

Gallery Images related to 100ster für avatar58

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Tracking History (38213.9mi) View Map

Visited 5/1/2023 Avatar58 took it to Durch Karow #8 das TB Hotel Berlin, Germany - .49 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/1/2023 Avatar58 took it to Durch Karow #10 die Schule Berlin, Germany - .19 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/20/2022 Avatar58 took it to Upstallgraben Karow Berlin, Germany - 399.58 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/14/2022 Avatar58 took it to Drooz Tirol, Austria - 12.2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/12/2022 Avatar58 took it to 7 Gletscher Talstation 3S Bahn Tirol, Austria - 21.93 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/11/2022 Avatar58 took it to Parkplatz - Rosshütten Wanderung - NEU Tirol, Austria - 21.75 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/10/2022 Avatar58 took it to Wilde Wasser Grawa 1 Tirol, Austria - 301.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/8/2022 Avatar58 took it to Der Brunzer auf der Hochmahdalm Tirol, Austria - 283.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2022 Avatar58 took it to 10 Jahre Sanierung der HSS Sachsen, Germany - 21.05 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2022 Avatar58 took it to Fritz-Foerster-Platz Sachsen, Germany - 21.06 miles  Visit Log
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