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World Travel Geocoin 1º Aniversario Cotateam

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Sunday, January 2, 2011
Santarém, Portugal
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About This Item

Foi um presente para os Cotateam por completárem um ano de Geocaching

Tracking History (15439mi) View Map

Visited 8/5/2013 Cotateam took it to #5 Power Trail dos Casais Lagartos Santarém, Portugal - .47 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/5/2013 Cotateam took it to #4 Power Trail dos Casais Lagartos Santarém, Portugal - 11.37 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/5/2013 Cotateam took it to #3 Power Trail dos Casais Lagartos Santarém, Portugal - .25 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/5/2013 Cotateam took it to #2 Power Trail dos Casais Lagartos Santarém, Portugal - .55 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/5/2013 Cotateam took it to #1 Power Trail dos Casais Lagartos Santarém, Portugal - .39 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/5/2013 Cotateam took it to A Fonte Da Concha de Pontével Santarém, Portugal - 1.22 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/5/2013 Cotateam took it to A Capela dos Casais Lagartos Santarém, Portugal - 10.82 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/30/2013 Cotateam took it to Igreja de Santa Cruz-Ribeira de Santarém Santarém, Portugal - 7.1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/30/2013 Cotateam took it to Projecto GeoRibatejo - Concelho de Santarém Santarém, Portugal - 7.07 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/30/2013 Cotateam took it to Projecto GeoRibatejo - Concelho de Alpiarça Santarém, Portugal - 49.61 miles  Visit Log
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