TB3AQ82 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
This is collectible.
Use TB3AQ82 to reference this item.
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Hello!My mission is simple I'd like to travel the world, if possible, but I'm fine with traveling the 50 states as well. Please help me with my mission!
I'll be following my coin and posting updates on my website. (visit link) Thanks for your assistance!
Will move it along
I thought that this geocoin looked familiar. I had it a few hops ago. I'll move it along again.
I am picking the bug up again. I will move it along soon.
Cool geocoin! I love the shade of blue on this. Happy trails! 10SMyLA
I traded for this one. I will move it along after I check to see where it wants to go next. ejoty
Grabbed this from the "Get In The Game!" event. What a cool coin! Thanks for sharing, I will move along promptly.
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