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BYO Pencil Geocoin Plauen im Vogtland - der kleine Ossi

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Larsi110 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Sachsen, Germany
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Current Goal

Der kleine Ossi soll die Welt bereisen und dabei alle Kontinente besuchen. Nachdem er seine Mission beendet hat, soll er wieder in seine Heimat zurückkehren. Nach Möglichkeit soll er für jeden Cache in dem er war ein Bild bekommen, als Souvenir. ( BITTE ) Und vielleicht werden wir eines Tages in seinen Fußspuren wandern....


The small East German should travel around the world and visit, besides, all continents. After he has finished his mission, he should return again in his native country. As far as possible he should agree for every Cache in it was a picture, as a souvenir. One day, (PLEASE), And one day maybe we will walk in his footprints....

About This Item

Hier kommt der kleine Ossi her:
Here the small East German comes:

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Gallery Images related to Plauen im Vogtland - der kleine Ossi

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    Tracking History (34999.2mi) View Map

    Visited 3/20/2017 4Hamricks took it to One of these is not like the other Florida - 8.61 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/19/2017 4Hamricks took it to That's One Big Pile Of M.O.A.C!!! Florida - 20.41 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/19/2017 4Hamricks took it to Shingle Creek Preform Florida - 6.29 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/18/2017 4Hamricks took it to Meet Rose Red Florida - 14.19 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/18/2017 4Hamricks took it to The Horse Shoe Florida - 1.26 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/18/2017 4Hamricks took it to Blue Trail Florida - .42 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 3/18/2017 4Hamricks retrieved it from FireProof Florida   Visit Log

    Grabbed and will move along soon.

    Dropped Off 3/15/2017 brusher1967 placed it in FireProof Florida - 975.57 miles  Visit Log

    A sad story in this cache location. Finally moved this track able to a new location. Sorry it took so long

    Dropped Off 7/3/2016 4Hamricks placed it in GeoWoodstock XV North Carolina - 561.62 miles  Visit Log
    Discovered It 8/29/2014 jsteffens discovered it   Visit Log


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