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20 Jahre Mauerfall Geocoin

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Friday, August 10, 2012
Lisboa, Portugal
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of RodS01.

This is not collectible.

Use TB3AG57 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

MISSÃO: a missão desta coin é viajar de cache em cache até ter visitado o mundo todo!

MISSION: The mission of this coin is to travel from cache to cache around the world!

About This Item

Esta coin foi-nos oferecida pela fantástica Golden-Team & ksbender pela ajuda que lhes prestámos ao fazer a manutenção da sua cache "GT Night Colours [Serra do Sintra] [Lisbon]", demasiado boa para ser arquivada!

Ela representa a descoberta de uma nova amizade e irá passar a mensagem de que com ajuda e dedicação, tudo se pode alcançar!

Golden-Team & ksbender, muito obrigada por tudo. Estaremos sempre aqui para ajudar no que for preciso! [|)]

Tracking History (4126.4mi) View Map

Discovered It 2/29/2020 DVERK discovered it   Visit Log

**Project Geocaching meets Beethoven - MEGA Wochenende in Bonn - **

Zwischen meiner Helferschicht, Shoppen, viele Freunde treffen und natürlich auch cachen war auch noch Zeit um ein paar TB zu discovern. Deinen TB konnte ich während des MEGA's ebenfalls entdecken und bedanke mich natürlich fürs zeigen und teilen und weiterhin gute Reise und viel Spaß bei unserem gemeinsamen Hobby.

Wenn ich mich beim abschreiben im Code verlesen haben und demnach deinen TB irrtümlicherweise an diesem Tage discovert haben sollte, bitte lösche den Log infach wieder, dann das ich natürlich auch Sorry für die Umstände.

~~~~ DVERK ~~~~
Im ❤️ Geocacher

Visited 7/19/2014 RodS01 took it to Wybo Lakes Rest Home For Weary TBs & GCs Eastern England, United Kingdom - 162.67 miles  Visit Log

Visited Wybo Lakes Rest Home For Weary TBs & GCs

Visited 8/25/2013 RodS01 took it to Loop the loop 2 North Wales, United Kingdom - .14 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/25/2013 RodS01 took it to Loop the loop 1 North Wales, United Kingdom - 212.73 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/3/2013 RodS01 took it to B&H Cinemas, Past and Present - Brighton Marina South East England, United Kingdom - 185.6 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/17/2013 RodS01 took it to Wibbly Weobley South Wales, United Kingdom - 10.08 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/17/2013 RodS01 took it to Church Micro #462...Cheriton South Wales, United Kingdom - 11.59 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/16/2013 RodS01 took it to MINT 4 South Wales, United Kingdom - 156.15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/15/2013 RodS01 took it to Diamond Jubilee 4 South Wales, United Kingdom - 9.15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/15/2013 RodS01 took it to MINT 4 South Wales, United Kingdom - 156.99 miles  Visit Log
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