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Aussie Track-a-bear Grandpa's #73 Route master Bus

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P-Smiffy_Clan Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, December 13, 2009
London, United Kingdom
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of rochayz.

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Current Goal

The race is on! 'Grandpa’s #73 Route master Bus’ is in a race to get to Perth, Australia and back before 'Lil cruiser’ can complete the reverse journey. In order to win this race 'Grandpa’s #73 Route master Bus’ must get within 30km of the centre of Perth, Australia before commencing its return journey. The race will be completed when 'Grandpa’s #73 Route master Bus’' returns to within 30km of London, England and is retrieved by the P-Smiffy_Clan or if 'Lil cruiser’ is retrieved by Ozcrawf within 30km of Perth, Australia.
Photos of 'Grandpa’s #73 Route master Bus’
exploits would be appreciated.

About This Item

Grandpa's #73 Route Master Bus

No additional details available.

Gallery Images related to Grandpa's #73 Route master Bus

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Tracking History (2815.3mi) View Map

Visited 2/25/2012 rochayz took it to A24 Vidago - one for the road Vila Real, Portugal - 15.02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/25/2012 rochayz took it to ONE FOR THE ROAD - N206@RPN#01...Bem-Vindos Vila Real, Portugal - 1.98 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/25/2012 rochayz took it to ONE FOR THE ROAD - N206@RPN#05...O Espigueiro Vila Real, Portugal - .66 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/25/2012 rochayz took it to ONE FOR THE ROAD - N206@RPN#06...Curva dos Moínhos Vila Real, Portugal - .5 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/25/2012 rochayz took it to ONE FOR THE ROAD - N206@RPN#07...KM100 Vila Real, Portugal - 3.78 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/25/2012 rochayz took it to TRAGÉDIA DE AROSA - 27/12/1981 Braga, Portugal - 10.54 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/16/2012 rochayz took it to #06 - Toural Braga, Portugal - 15.62 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 2/14/2012 FAKI69 discovered it   Visit Log

Mais uma para a minha colecção...

Visited 2/10/2012 rochayz took it to Bien Venidos a CBT Braga, Portugal - 1.24 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/10/2012 rochayz took it to Mariscada á moda de cbt Braga, Portugal - .61 miles  Visit Log
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