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Letterbox Micro Geocoin "Obtain a postcard - 1st send one" - please keep this coin movin'

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thejack7 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of lunatica83.

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

Dieser Coin dient zum Sammeln von Postkarten
Schreibt dem Owner eine Postkarte mit der Bezeichnung des Coins und eurer Adresse. „thejack7“ wird euch dann ebenfalls eine Postkarte schicken.


This Coin is used for collecting postcards.
Please write a postcard with the name of the coin and your adress and send it to the owner. “thejack7” will send afterwards also a postcard 2u . 





About This Item

"Obtain a postcard - 1st send one"

Familie Wyss
Elblingstrasse 5
CH-4107 Ettingen

Gallery Images related to "Obtain a postcard - 1st send one" - please keep this coin movin'

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Tracking History (38163.4mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/9/2024 lunatica83 retrieved it from Op een klein stationnetje(Versie 2)🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃 Friesland, Netherlands   Visit Log

TB out

Dropped Off 4/6/2024 DeDoepjes placed it in Op een klein stationnetje(Versie 2)🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃 Friesland, Netherlands - 9.62 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/6/2024 DeDoepjes took it to Virtual Reward 2.0 "It Soal" en "it Toarntsje" Friesland, Netherlands - 10.04 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/5/2024 DeDoepjes took it to Rondje Sneek-IJlst #13 - BONUS Friesland, Netherlands - .31 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/5/2024 DeDoepjes took it to Rondje Sneek-IJlst #12 Friesland, Netherlands - .3 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/5/2024 DeDoepjes took it to Rondje Sneek-IJlst #11 Friesland, Netherlands - .28 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/5/2024 DeDoepjes took it to Rondje Sneek-IJlst #10 Friesland, Netherlands - .15 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/5/2024 DeDoepjes took it to Rondje Sneek-IJlst #9 Friesland, Netherlands - .59 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/5/2024 DeDoepjes took it to Labcache: IJlst de bonus Friesland, Netherlands - .37 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/5/2024 DeDoepjes took it to Rondje Sneek-IJlst #7 Friesland, Netherlands - .88 miles  Visit Log


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