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Travel Bug Dog Tag Hemlock

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staffsknotter Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, June 5, 2010
West Midlands, United Kingdom
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of Jemesch.

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

Use TB33Z62 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

I'm in a race with Manderbill to visit as many stadiums before 2012

About This Item


My marathon days are over, I cannot not run any more,
If I even did a hundred yards I’d fall down gasping on the floor.

So I bought these little bugs and taught them how to race,
I’d like them to go far and wide, but please not to outer space.

They are starting from the stadium where we used to train and run,
And now they are off around the world to have a little fun.

Its 2010 and its not to long until the Olympics are on these shores.
So the idea is these little bugs get there by visiting many more.

So any stadium they can see will add to all the fun, (photos please)
The one that travels furthest is the one who has the race won.

2012 is the target, by which time I will be very old,
but I hope that I’m still around to see which one won the gold.

These are two travel bugs Hemlock (TB33Z62) and Manderbill (TB3EWC1) who are starting off in the same cache. Split them up as soon as possible.
Any stadium will do. Old Olympic stadiums are even better. Track their progress and cheer on the one you find,but as yet William Hill has not set any odds for the winner of the race.

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Tracking History (4663.3mi) View Map

Visited 2/17/2012 honoredad took it to Travel Bug Hotel - Charnock Richard Services North North West England, United Kingdom - 49.57 miles  Visit Log
Dropped Off 2/14/2012 THE-M.J.A'S placed it in The Great NWB Adventure trail: Llangollen Railway North Wales, United Kingdom - 16.06 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 2/13/2012 honoredad retrieved it from The Great NWB Adventure trail: Llangollen Railway North Wales, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Grabbed it heading north tomorrow

Retrieve It from a Cache 2/11/2012 THE-M.J.A'S retrieved it from Bettisfield canal stroll North Wales, United Kingdom   Visit Log


Dropped Off 1/28/2012 charliekit placed it in Bettisfield canal stroll North Wales, United Kingdom - 139.2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/31/2011 charliekit took it to Meg's Hooley 1 East Midlands, United Kingdom - 111.57 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 12/31/2011 charliekit retrieved it from E.L.V East Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Sorry I forgot to log this one just found him in the bottom of my rucksack which has been geo caching to Sweden and back so will log the miles for you.

Visited 11/26/2011 charliekit took it to Heathrow TB Hotel London, United Kingdom - 1,300.42 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/21/2011 charliekit took it to Stone Bridge Norrbotten, Sweden - 6.17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/21/2011 charliekit took it to Gällivare Camping Norrbotten, Sweden - 1,297.01 miles  Visit Log
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