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Travel Bug Dog Tag Happy Birthday, blindschleich

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blindschleich Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hessen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In 22nd Annual Texas Challenge Geocaching Festival

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Current Goal

Da der Eigentümer dieses kleinen Reisenden ein Harley Fat Bob Fahrer ist, soll dieser Travelbug möglichst viele, von Motorradfahrern bevorzugte Strecken besuchen. Sein ganz spezielles Ziel sind die USA insbesondere die Route 66, wo er möglichst viele Meilen von Cache zu Cache zu reisen soll.
Danach soll er wieder nach Deutschland zurückkommen  und in einem von Blindschleichs Caches abgelegt werden.
Fotos währen eine tolle Sache!

As the Owner is an Harley Fat Bob Rider, his TB shall travel to favorite motorbike areas and routes,. Its special goal is to reach the United States of America to travel all the miles along the Route 66.
After it reached it's destination, it should come back home to good old germany into one of blindschleichs caches.

Feel free to make a Photo with you and the TB discovering interesting areas.

About This Item

Blindschleich on Tour

„Happy Birthday, blindschleich“ wurde von leckermäulchen und schleich1 zu seinem Geburtstag am 29.08.2010 in Blindschleichs geschmuggelt :)

Dies sind die Caches, die blindschleich z.T. zusammen mit hinterher-schleich gelegt hat – allesamt Geocaching-Kunstwerke:

GC21TZV - Buhmanns Kämmerchen
GC21D8Q - Blick ins Dorf
GC20WT7 - SuchMal
GC21VY3 - Geben und Nehmen
GC28VDP - Old Quarry
GC2738A - Allerlei Schweinereien


„Happy Birthday, blindschleich“ has been smuggled into blindschleichs' geocaching- account by schleich1 and leckermäulchen on the occasion of blindschleichs birthday on 29.08.2010.

Blindschleich was not able to go caching at those times, so it was our way to let him participate in the local geocaching-scene.
Now that he is back in germany the TB should start it's journey around the world to meet it's goal.

These are the caches owned by blindschleich partly together with hinterher-schleich. Each of them a piece of geocaching-artwork:

GC21TZV - Buhmanns Kämmerchen
GC21D8Q - Blick ins Dorf
GC20WT7 - SuchMal
GC21VY3 - Geben und Nehmen
GC28VDP - Old Quarry
GC2738A - Allerlei Schweinereien

Gallery Images related to Happy Birthday, blindschleich

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Tracking History (15080.8mi) View Map

Dropped Off 3/15/2024 MamaCobb placed it in 22nd Annual Texas Challenge Geocaching Festival Texas - 3.09 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/14/2024 MamaCobb took it to Wichita Falls - Home of the Authentic Red Taco Texas - .95 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/14/2024 MamaCobb took it to Waterfall Vista Texas - .02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/14/2024 MamaCobb took it to Wichita Falls Texas - .45 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/14/2024 MamaCobb took it to Wichita Falls Police Memorial -Virtual Reward 4.0 Texas - .41 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/14/2024 MamaCobb took it to Historic Homes #15 Texas - .12 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/14/2024 MamaCobb took it to 10-10 on 10 Texas - 2.09 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/14/2024 MamaCobb took it to Max’s Bench Texas - 1.62 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/14/2024 MamaCobb took it to Sacred Heart Cemetery Texas - .8 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/14/2024 MamaCobb took it to Cave Man's Friend Texas - .78 miles  Visit Log
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