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Travel Bug Dog Tag Alcion

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Current Goal

English: I'd love to return to my own habitat, in Norway, specifically Kongsberg, where my mom is from. In the meanwhile I'd wish to visit many new places, meet new friends and gather a lot of photos to show my mom where i've been.

Norsk: Jeg har en drøm om å komme tilbake til mitt hjemsted, i Norge, nærmere bestemt Kongsberg, hvor mora mi kommer fra. I mellomtiden håper jeg på å besøke mange nye steder, møte nye venner og samle mange bilder så jeg kan vise mora mi hvor jeg har vært.

Português: Adorava regressar ao meu habitat na Noruega, especificamente Kongsberg, terra da minha mãe. Entretanto gostaria de visitar muitos lugares novos, conhecer novos amigos e coleccionar montes de fotos para mostrar à minha mãe onde andei.

About This Item


English: Alcion is a little norwegian moose who loves to travel and visit new places. Alcion is an adventurer and loves to appear on photos, so if you have the chance take at least one, he will be so happy! :)

Norsk: Alcion er en liten norsk elg som elsker å reise og besøke nye steder. Alcion er en eventyrer som elsker å bli tatt bilde av, så hvis du har muligheten ta minst et bilde, da blir han så glad! :)

Português: Alcion é um pequeno alce norueguês que gosta de viajar e visitar novos lugares. Alcion é um aventureiro e gosta muito de aparecer nas fotografias, por isso se tiverem oportunidade tirem-lhe pelo menos uma, ele vai ficar contente! :)

Gallery Images related to Alcion

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Tracking History (76595mi) View Map

Visited 8/21/2024 Dhobitock took it to ESPADARTE, O SÍMBOLO DE SEZIMBRA Setúbal, Portugal - 19.53 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/19/2024 Dhobitock took it to PT ALGÉS # 4 - A VERGONHA Lisboa, Portugal - .11 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/19/2024 Dhobitock took it to PT ALGÉS # 5 - CARÁTER Lisboa, Portugal - .21 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/19/2024 Dhobitock took it to PT ALGÉS # 7 - MODERAÇÃO Lisboa, Portugal - .44 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/19/2024 Dhobitock took it to Tesouro no Jamor Lisboa, Portugal - 11,127.6 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/27/2024 Dhobitock took it to Poogie Yes! Yes! Queensland, Australia - .39 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/27/2024 Dhobitock took it to Whites Hill - A room with a view Queensland, Australia - 18.28 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/24/2022 Dhobitock took it to Ring Me! Queensland, Australia - 61.4 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/19/2016 Dhobitock took it to "Bare Rock Views" Queensland, Australia - 55.52 miles  Visit Log

Visited "Bare Rock Views" (GCM0J1)

Visited 3/12/2016 Dhobitock took it to Palm Gully Queensland, Australia - .43 miles  Visit Log
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