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Travel Ingot Geocoin ! Stolen

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breitfuss Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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THIS COIN WAS STOLEN.....normally he called Metamorphosis # 02

[DE] Besuche Goldminen hier möge sich die Münze in Gold verwandeln. Wenn nicht komme zu Deinem Heimecache zurück Don Quichotte-Cache, Dortmund, Germany.

[EN] Visit goldmines there I hope the mint will be switch into gold, if not coming home to your
home cache Don Quichotte-Cache, Dortmund, Germany.

[DE] Besuche jeden Cache den Du möchtest und sammel möglichst viel Meilen
[EN] Visit as many different caches and get as much mileage as possible. I'm free to roam anywhere in the world.

About This Item

Eine kleine Auswahl möglicher Besuchsorte:
A few samples of possible caches:

Gold chip of Haveri
Golden Dream - Kaarle Kustaa
Golden Dream - Kerkelä
GC13H83 Golden Dream - Tankavaara -> 7/17/2009, wesbridge, M.. #3, don't work

The Goldmine

United Kingdom
The Prince of Wales Goldmine Cache, North Wales.
There's gold in them thar hills
Rainbow Pot of Gold, Northwest England. (Maybe this help's)

Die Legende vom Schatz des Goldenen Kalbes, Hamburg. (Als Zwischenstopp für erste Versuche sicher geeignet)
Goldbergwerk, Hessen. (Als Zwischenstopp für erste Versuche sicher geeignet)
Hexengold, Hessen. (Findet das Hexengold)
Die Kunst der Goldherstellung, Bayern. (Findet die Aufzeichnungen des Herr Anderl)
GCXMEP Altgold - Neumannsgrund -> 05/02/2010, bierlord , M.. #2, don't work


Goldgräberberg, Ostschweiz.

GOLD (Maybe here, if you find the king)

Golden Cache - Ciottoli in collina, Piemonte.
Golden Cache - Tutti Cercatori, Piemonte.

3 tons of gold, Portalegre.
The Stolen Gold of Romarigães, Viana do Castelo.

Monk's Gold

Gerald Visits Victoria Mines, Scotia.
Go For The Gold, British Columbia.
It's Hedley... not Hedy!, British Columbia.

United States
The gold mine, Alaska.
Gold Rush: Final Resting Place, Alaska.
Goldmine 360, Arizona.
The Miners' Rest, Arizona.
Goldmine Leg Warmer, Arizona.
Golden Creek Diggins, California.
Pikes Peak Gold Rush, Colorado.
Panning for Gold at Goldmine Lake, Georgia.
Georgia Gold Mine, Georgia.
A Leprechaun's Pot-O-Gold, Hawaii.
Skinner Creek Goldmine, Idaho.
The Gold Rush, Maine.
Goldmine Lake, Minnesota.
Gold Creek, Montana.
The Mystery of the French Gold, New York.
Digging For The Gold of Barnabas, the Barbary Wolf, Rhode Island.

South Africa
Gold Receipt, Gauteng.
Gold diggers treasure chest, Western Cape.

Gold Rush, South Wales.
Golden Valley, Victoria.
Kalgoorlie GPS (Gold) Rush, Western Australia.
On a pile of gold, Tasmania.

New Zealand
Alexandra Gold Diggings (Otago), South Island.
It's not mine, it's Martha's (Bay of Plenty), North Island.

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Tracking History (1955.3mi) View Map

Mark Missing 11/1/2011 breitfuss marked it as missing   Visit Log

The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

Dropped Off 8/9/2011 MoMir placed it in Secska prehrada – Hojesin Pardubický kraj, Czechia - 435.41 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 7/31/2011 MoMir retrieved it from Jägihorn 3206 m Valais, Switzerland   Visit Log

Ich nehme es in Böhmen, wahrscheinlich in Holland.

Dropped Off 7/29/2011 sStubis placed it in Jägihorn 3206 m Valais, Switzerland - 296.88 miles  Visit Log

Abgelegt in Jägihorn 3206 m

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 7/29/2011 sStubis grabbed it   Visit Log

Vom Klettersteig Jägihorn genommen und zuoberst auf dem Jägihorn platziert.

Retrieve It from a Cache 5/20/2011 ZeilerGecko retrieved it from Das Queckbrünnlein Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

Kommt an einen schönen Ort!

Dropped Off 4/10/2011 pa800 placed it in Das Queckbrünnlein Bayern, Germany - 4.83 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/8/2011 pa800 retrieved it from Wald Piraten Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

mal mitgenommen

Dropped Off 4/3/2011 sandmann_99 placed it in Wald Piraten Bayern, Germany - 80.83 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 3/27/2011 sandmann_99 retrieved it from Sturm Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

lange konnte er sich nicht ausruhen...und weiter geht die Reise...

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