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Travel Bug Dog Tag Donald

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LadyKlette Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Niedersachsen, Germany
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In the hands of littlemonkeyboy.

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Current Goal

[EN] Hello, my name is Donald. My uncle Scrooge sent me away from home, now I have to hitchhike from cache to cache. I hope to visit a Disneyland one day, and meet my fiancée Daisy there.

[DE] Hallo, mein Name ist Donald. Mein geiziger Onkel Dagobert hat mich aus dem Haus vertrieben, und nun muss ich per Anhalter von Cache zu Cache reisen. Ich hoffe irgendwann mal in ein Disneyland zu reisen und dort meine Verlobte Daisy wiederzusehen.

About This Item

Donald (1)

[EN] Help me a little bit on my way, and take nice photos of my journey!

[DE] Helft mir ein Stück weiter auf meiner Reise und macht schöne Fotos!

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Tracking History (3051.4mi) View Map

Visited 10/23/2011 Berticusdan took it to Saunter Around Stainland - Bonus Yorkshire, United Kingdom - 14.69 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/22/2011 Berticusdan took it to Tech Ricks Gifts Final Yorkshire, United Kingdom - 58.05 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/16/2011 Berticusdan took it to Tiger Moth North West England, United Kingdom - 9.26 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/14/2011 Berticusdan retrieved it from JMC Remembered #4 East Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log

will move donald on soon

Dropped Off 10/5/2011 Mr Truffles placed it in JMC Remembered #4 East Midlands, United Kingdom - 38.5 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/2/2011 Mr Truffles retrieved it from BO Walk #4 - Pooh's View Yorkshire, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Donald is on the move again.

Dropped Off 9/25/2011 Busy Lissy Bunch placed it in BO Walk #4 - Pooh's View Yorkshire, United Kingdom - 34.7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/13/2011 Busy Lissy Bunch took it to Grandma and Grandads cache Yorkshire, United Kingdom - 36.29 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 9/11/2011 Busy Lissy Bunch retrieved it from Jamie #2 Slow down Sit down Yorkshire, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Reminds me of us cachers - many of us are a bit quakers! It will be at least another year before we cross the Atlantic so will just move to another cache for someone else to take you to Disney.

Discovered It 9/3/2011 Thegeotwins discovered it   Visit Log

discovered this 1 last night

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