Lzice naderna
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Sunday, November 1, 2009
Olomoucký kraj, Czechia
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[CS] Cilem Lzice naderne je cestovat po svete a potkavat se s krasnymi zenami. Lzice naderna se nejlepe citi mezi nadry, proto je dobrovolnou podminkou pridani fotky Lzice naderne na takovem miste.
(Berte to prosim jako zabavu. Nikoho nenutim fotky porizovat, ani prohlizet. Nenesu zodpovednost za obsah fotek nahranych jinymi uzivateli.)
[EN] The mission of the Lzice naderna is travelling around the world and meeting lovely women. The Lzice naderna feels best between breasts. Therefore voluntary condition is add the photo of the Lzice naderna in that situation.
(Please take it easy. I don't force anybody on take or browse photos. I'am not responsible for the contents of the photos from other users.)
Lžíce ňaderná. Spoon the Bosom.
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