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Travel Bug Dog Tag Robby de Neushoorn

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Friday, May 28, 2010
Recently Spotted:
In 5* TB-Hotel „Alte Lesehalle Duhnen“

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

Use TB2R61A to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Like my owner i would like to visit as many countries as possible on all continents. Please upload a photo nearby the cache you find me, so you might convince my owner to travel to this destination.

About This Item

Robby de Neushoorn

Released in Indonesia during WorldCup 2010.

Sjaki-Tari-Us in Ubud, Bali

Gallery Images related to Robby de Neushoorn

View All 6 Gallery Images

Tracking History (30932.9mi) View Map

Dropped Off 10/9/2021 Blömi92 placed it in TB Landhotel "Pfahldorf" Bayern, Germany - 43.43 miles  Visit Log

Geh, du bist frei!

Retrieve It from a Cache 8/26/2021 Blömi92 retrieved it from Skandal um Rosi Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

Wir haben Robby bei der Rosi gefunden und nehmen ihn weiter mit auf Reisen :)

Dropped Off 8/25/2021 goof390 placed it in Skandal um Rosi Bayern, Germany - 40.5 miles  Visit Log

nun kann Robby de Neushoorn hier ganz gut mit der rosi kuscheln 😉.
gute weiterreise wünscht goof390

Visited 8/21/2021 goof390 took it to Geburtsort der BAYERNHYMNE -Blasturm - reloaded Bayern, Germany - 3.65 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/21/2021 goof390 took it to Riesen-Holzkugel Bayern, Germany - 56.08 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/18/2021 goof390 took it to Parken Bayern, Germany - .86 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/18/2021 goof390 took it to Eingang zum Zenntalradweg Bayern, Germany - .64 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/18/2021 goof390 took it to Fuchsbandenwurmfalle Bayern, Germany - 4.78 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/16/2021 goof390 took it to Ein kleiner Zeitvertreib (Adventure Lab Bonus) Bayern, Germany - 4.84 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/16/2021 goof390 took it to 31.12.22 | Die Fuchsbande | Füchsin Fritzi Bayern, Germany - 1.01 miles  Visit Log
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