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Travel Bug Dog Tag SpeederBug

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Maryland, United States
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

To speed my way across the country visiting as many unusual spots as possible! Please take me to the state of California and return me home to California,MD!!!

About This Item

Speeder bug born January 2006 in California,MD

Gallery Images related to SpeederBug

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    Tracking History (6989.4mi) View Map

    Dropped Off 6/17/2007 lishim placed it in Brooklyn Bliss New York - 39.16 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 6/16/2007 lishim retrieved it from Walt's Trail New York   Visit Log

    This fella has wondered too far east! Time to get him closer to his home.

    Dropped Off 6/8/2007 KalliopeGold placed it in Walt's Trail New York - 6.53 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 6/2/2007 KalliopeGold retrieved it from Plain Cache 2 New York   Visit Log

    Thanks, happy to move along.

    Dropped Off 5/14/2007 mustard+red placed it in Plain Cache 2 New York - 8.51 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 5/6/2007 mustard+red retrieved it from Mac-85 Greenbelt Trail 1 New York   Visit Log

    I'll send it west of here.

    Dropped Off 2/22/2007 Tatanka49 placed it in Mac-85 Greenbelt Trail 1 New York - 118.2 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 2/4/2007 Tatanka49 retrieved it from SEPAG's Spectacular Supper Pennsylvania   Visit Log

    I saw this guy up at the SEPAG event. I was probably travelling the farthest distance so he came along. I will clean him up, give him a new plastic bag and a new ID sheet before I set him loose again.

    Dropped Off 2/3/2007 GadzuCrew placed it in SEPAG's Spectacular Supper Pennsylvania - 311.55 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 12/27/2006 GadzuCrew retrieved it from WRGT Scooter This Extension Ohio   Visit Log

    I'll move your bug along soon.

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