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Canada Micro Puck 2008/09 Geocoin

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littlest hobos Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, April 10, 2009
Alberta, Canada
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In the hands of sirswish.

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Current Goal

I love my home country, and the sport of hockey, but I would really love to travel the world too!! I'm taking a break from being banked around the hockey rink so help me visit as many countries as possible!!

About This Item

Canada Micro Puck

Gallery Images related to Canada Micro Puck 2008/09 Geocoin

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    Tracking History (17970.1mi) View Map

    Visited 7/17/2013 Team:bulletproof took it to PlaceSpotting #1 (Landkreis CLP) Niedersachsen, Germany - .42 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/17/2013 Team:bulletproof took it to Das Gogericht auf dem Desum Niedersachsen, Germany - .54 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/17/2013 Team:bulletproof took it to PlaceSpotting #8 (Rennrodel- und Bobbahnen) Niedersachsen, Germany - .75 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/17/2013 Team:bulletproof took it to PlaceSpotting #2 (Häfen) Niedersachsen, Germany - .26 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/17/2013 Team:bulletproof took it to Little Forest Drantum Niedersachsen, Germany - .99 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/17/2013 Team:bulletproof took it to Andi Coupon und Jonny Lüdenscheid (2) Niedersachsen, Germany - 1.66 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 7/17/2013 Team:bulletproof retrieved it from Bei Oma Niedersachsen, Germany   Visit Log

    Du begleitest uns ein Stückchen...

    Dropped Off 7/7/2013 SaTou placed it in Bei Oma Niedersachsen, Germany - .49 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/7/2013 SaTou took it to Aufrechte Stafetten Niedersachsen, Germany - .21 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/7/2013 SaTou took it to Dreiecksbeziehung Niedersachsen, Germany - .17 miles  Visit Log
    data on this page is cached for 3 mins