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The Travel Lizard Geocoin Myska Evicka

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GeoMysky Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

I like travelling, I used to live with a nice mouse. I would like to spend Christmas with her every even year in a "shared cache" . Help me please to make this dream true. Thank You!

Bavi ma cestovat po celom svete. Zila som vsak este s jednou myskou, s ktorou by som sa rada travila kazdy parny rok Vianoce v jednej, spolocnej keske. Prosim pomoz mi splnit tento sen. Dakujem

About This Item

Myška Evicka

You'll find my love using code TB2NR13. Please take me a picture time to tie to let my love know that I am ok. time to time

Moju lasku najdes pomocou kodu TB2NR13.
Aby moja laska vedela, ze som v poriadku, tak mi prosim obcas urob fotku.

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Tracking History (3829.7mi) View Map

Discovered It 6/25/2017 VladimirTarasov discovered it   Visit Log


Discovered It 9/8/2013 MaZoNe discovered it   Visit Log

Seen a picture in the internet with this sweet little mouse, but the date of the picture was the 06/10/2011. So we'll don't hope that there was a cat somewhere near by the mouse . . .?!

Mark Missing 11/21/2012 ivss_xx marked it as missing   Visit Log

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This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 10/13/2012 Valdiim posted a note for it   Visit Log

not seen in "Pulvertorna dargumi"

Dropped Off 9/26/2012 Thirdteen placed it in Pulvertorņa dārgumi Latvia - 50.21 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 9/26/2012 Thirdteen grabbed it   Visit Log


Retrieve It from a Cache 3/23/2012 pjeljmjenj retrieved it from Who researches the past, that blesses the future! Latvia   Visit Log


Dropped Off 3/3/2012 swanella21 placed it in Who researches the past, that blesses the future! Latvia - 50.67 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/2/2012 swanella21 took it to Cesis Castle park Latvia - 52.07 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/27/2012 swanella21 took it to Siguldas orientesanaas poligons Latvia - 30.85 miles  Visit Log
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