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First to Find Version 2 Geocoin DieSandmiepse's FTF-Geocoin

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DieSandmiepse Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, May 22, 2009
Berlin, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

This is collectible.

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Diese Coin ist Bestandteil unserer kleinen Sammlung und verbleibt bei uns. Sie wird alle unsere FTF's auflisten.

About This Item

DieSandmiepse's FTF-Geocoin

No additional details available.

Gallery Images related to DieSandmiepse's FTF-Geocoin

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Tracking History (2525mi) View Map

Visited 2/24/2024 DieSandmiepse took it to Paulchens Letterbox Berlin, Germany - 13.85 miles  Visit Log

FTF Nr.95 und Cache Nr. 17.851

Visited 12/20/2020 DieSandmiepse took it to Erdmännchens FTF-Weihnachtsbaum (#75) Brandenburg, Germany - 13.78 miles  Visit Log

FTF Nr.94 und Cache Nr. 12.230

Visited 8/18/2019 DieSandmiepse took it to Karpfenteiche Berlin-Pankow Berlin, Germany - 313.24 miles  Visit Log

FTF Nr.93 und Cache Nr. 10.907

Visited 11/1/2017 DieSandmiepse took it to Jubiläumscache #6 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 321.93 miles  Visit Log

FTF Nr.92 und Cache Nr.8644

Discovered It 7/23/2017 Klene60 discovered it   Visit Log

Bei meinem letzten Besuch in Berlin konnte ich die grosse Sammlung genauer anschauen , habe viele schöne Coin's und TB's gesehen . 😎 Danke fürs zeigen 🙂

Visited 2/12/2017 DieSandmiepse took it to A10 - drunter oder drüber Nr. 9 Brandenburg, Germany - 8.9 miles  Visit Log

FTF Nr.91 und Cache Nr.8002

Visited 5/17/2016 DieSandmiepse took it to Erfindungen des Alltags IV Berlin, Germany - 1.58 miles  Visit Log

FTF Nr.90 und Cache Nr. 7462

Visited 12/24/2015 DieSandmiepse took it to Eine (un)schöne Vorweihnachtszeit XXIV Brandenburg, Germany - 5.47 miles  Visit Log

FTF Nr.89 und Cache Nr. 7.356

Visited 11/19/2013 DieSandmiepse took it to Freight Train Berlin, Germany - 2.48 miles  Visit Log

FTF Nr.88 und Cache Nr. 5.635

This entry was edited by DieSandmiepse on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 at 21:58:14 UTC.

Visited 10/25/2013 DieSandmiepse took it to Takuzu Berlin, Germany - 3.46 miles  Visit Log

FTF Nr.87 und Cache Nr. 5507

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