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Travel Bug Dog Tag Fireman Sam

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monkeyhanger Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, January 29, 2009
West Midlands, United Kingdom
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

I don't mind where i go as long as i keep moving. One day i might get recalled to the station at GC1GAJ5.

About This Item

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Tracking History (2074.6mi) View Map

Mark Missing 2/4/2015 HollyE11 marked it as missing   Visit Log

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This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 1/1/2015 ride303 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Not in cache.

Dropped Off 7/12/2014 crosspath placed it in Swanscombe TB Hotel South East England, United Kingdom - 10.86 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/12/2014 crosspath took it to Plumbus's Hoo Massive - #3 South East England, United Kingdom - .25 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/12/2014 crosspath took it to Plumbus's Hoo Massive - #2 South East England, United Kingdom - .17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/12/2014 crosspath took it to Plumbus's Hoo Massive - #1 South East England, United Kingdom - 14.88 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/4/2014 crosspath took it to Church Micro 4857...Milton South East England, United Kingdom - 22.67 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/29/2014 crosspath took it to The Hearty Hunt Finale - Plumbus337 South East England, United Kingdom - .41 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/29/2014 crosspath took it to The Hearty Hunt 7 - Plumbus337 South East England, United Kingdom - .44 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/29/2014 crosspath took it to The Hearty Hunt 6 - Plumbus337 South East England, United Kingdom - .58 miles  Visit Log
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