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Maryland Geocoin NCMountie's Maryland Geocoin

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NCMountie Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, November 25, 2005
North Carolina, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of madsbarry335.

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

Use TBMG17 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

This is the personal coin of NCMountie.  This coin is being relaunched as part of a new cache.  This coins goal is to travel around from cache to cache and visit as many people as possible.

Please do not hold this coin!!  If you pick it up drop it again quickly....  If you can't, please leave it...

About This Item

Tracking number for this coin is: MD5XFV

Tracking History (3383.1mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/15/2022 madsbarry335 retrieved it from Huckleberry Finn North Carolina   Visit Log

Easy find and can’t wait to place is somewhere when I travel!

Dropped Off 11/25/2021 KSB76 placed it in Huckleberry Finn North Carolina - 7.98 miles  Visit Log


Retrieve It from a Cache 11/14/2021 KSB76 retrieved it from Triad Travel Bug Hotel North Carolina   Visit Log


Dropped Off 4/16/2021 BelleAndBristow placed it in Triad Travel Bug Hotel North Carolina - 15.42 miles  Visit Log

Leaving this coin here.

Retrieve It from a Cache 3/20/2021 BelleAndBristow retrieved it from Salem Subterranean Architecture North Carolina   Visit Log

Picking up this beautiful coin to move along.

Dropped Off 5/1/2020 NCMountie placed it in Salem Subterranean Architecture North Carolina - 982.73 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 2/7/2014 NCMountie grabbed it   Visit Log

Grabbed to start a new cache...

Dropped Off 5/24/2006 NCMountie placed it in GeoWoodstock 4 Texas - 978.53 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 5/24/2006 NCMountie retrieved it from King Wing Ding North Carolina   Visit Log

pick up.

Dropped Off 3/25/2006 david&diana placed it in King Wing Ding North Carolina - 18.59 miles  Visit Log
data on this page is cached for 3 mins