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Travel Bug Dog Tag Pink-Spidy

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Lactobazilli Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, February 6, 2009
Brandenburg, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In #2 - A Casa de Abrigo de Cabanas de Torres

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[deutsch] Ich möchte um die ganze Welt reisen und mit allen pinken und rosanen Gegenständen fotografiert werden, denen ich auf meiner Reise begegne.

[english] I want to travel all over the world and be photographed with alle pink and rose-coloured items, I meet on my trip.

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Tracking History (3341mi) View Map

Discovered It 8/7/2009 dfsilva discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered in the hands of Lima_Paço, during a caching day at Figueira da Foz.

Discovered It 7/12/2009 Alpha_Paço discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it in hands of Lima_Paço

Retrieve It from a Cache 6/27/2009 Lima_Paço retrieved it from El Mirador de Teide Islas Canarias, Spain   Visit Log

Let's fly to Portugal

  • Pinky-Spidy with the Teide at it's back
Dropped Off 6/17/2009 symonsj placed it in El Mirador de Teide Islas Canarias, Spain - 10.79 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 6/11/2009 symonsj retrieved it from Montaña Blanca and 'Huevos (Eggs/Eier) del Teide' Islas Canarias, Spain   Visit Log

Pictures of pink? I don't have anything pink around here... wait a minute... no way I'm not going to post a picture of pink 😉

Dropped Off 5/26/2009 kasperine placed it in Montaña Blanca and 'Huevos (Eggs/Eier) del Teide' Islas Canarias, Spain - 2,270.98 miles  Visit Log

Santa Cruz and it's pink creatures is probably not the best place for the fluffy friend - so let's get it to the Canadas

[This entry was edited by kasper11 on Monday, June 01, 2009 at 8:30:20 AM.]

  • TB Pink-Spidy visiting Santa Cruz... ... and wants to stay at the Canadas.
Discovered It 5/24/2009 mmmmike discovered it   Visit Log

... discovered in Altos de San Jose...

Retrieve It from a Cache 5/24/2009 kasperine retrieved it from altos de san jose Islas Canarias, Spain   Visit Log

... pink stuff - let's see ...

Dropped Off 5/8/2009 xaveria placed it in altos de san jose Islas Canarias, Spain - 2,274.64 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/5/2009 xaveria retrieved it from Ewiger Ruhm den Helden [Berlin - Treptower Park] Berlin, Germany   Visit Log

Ui ui eine pinke Spinne entdeckt :)
Mal sehen was sich so pinkes bei uns entdecken lässt.

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