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Travel Bug Dog Tag Andenken an Buende

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Franzerl ;-) Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Innermost Wit

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Current Goal

Besuch Orte, die mit Tabakherstellung oder Anbau zu tun haben. (bitte Bilder dazu)
Visit places where Tabacco is growing. (Please, take some Pictures)

About This Item

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Gallery Images related to Andenken an Buende

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Tracking History (8606.4mi) View Map

Discovered It 9/17/2024 NiSEM discovered it Vermont   Visit Log

Seen in a very old log from 2011

Dropped Off 7/24/2019 deadowl placed it in Innermost Wit Vermont - 708.5 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 10/2/2018 fred856 discovered it   Visit Log

Découvert- merci pour le partage

Discovered It 5/2/2018 Angelorum discovered it   Visit Log

Thanks. Ačiū. Greetings from Lithuania.

Discovered It 3/16/2018 Kavau-FO discovered it   Visit Log

Thank you for sharing this nice "Andenken an Buende" Travel-Bug in GC Gallery.

Write note 2/8/2016 deadowl posted a note for it   Visit Log

I thought all hope was lost for this travel bug. I ended up moving three times in the course of two years, and couldn't find it afterward. Then today, I found it in the shed at my dad's house, a four-and-a-half-hour drive away from where I currently live, in a cache container I was going to make into a new geocache at the time.

Visited 3/8/2012 deadowl took it to Rosetta Quest Vermont - 709.01 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/26/2011 deadowl retrieved it from New River Park Cache North Carolina   Visit Log

Going on an airplane, and don't know if the bug will be allowed, so I might have to drop it here in NC someplace else instead of taking it back north.

Dropped Off 9/27/2011 Cajun_Mike placed it in New River Park Cache North Carolina - 552.05 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 9/5/2011 Cajun_Mike retrieved it from Along the Unmarked Trail #1 Florida   Visit Log

Heading to North Carolina in a couple of weeks. Sounds like the perfect carry-on.

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