Golden Celtic Hourglass
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Thursday, January 5, 2012
South West England, United Kingdom
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In the hands of the owner.
This is collectible.
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No Mission - just stay in my possession as a collected item!
This was a FTF prize for the "WHO Lives Here!..." cache, GC1YBKW, belonging to Witches Cat and Tmelord.
Tracking History (19190.1mi) View Map
Spacebat took it to Schrödinger's Cat
South West England, United Kingdom
- 8.79 miles
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Spacebat took it to Mostly Harmless
Southern England, United Kingdom
- 1.41 miles
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Spacebat took it to Church Micro 9041...Frome St Quintin
Southern England, United Kingdom
- 8.85 miles
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Spacebat took it to Bones
South West England, United Kingdom
- 14.41 miles
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Spacebat took it to Earplugs
South West England, United Kingdom
- 1.23 miles
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Spacebat took it to Listen Carefully
South West England, United Kingdom
- 1.84 miles
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Spacebat took it to Forces Network
South West England, United Kingdom
- .87 miles
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Spacebat took it to Blackdown Wambrook Two Gates Cache
South West England, United Kingdom
- .2 miles
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Spacebat took it to Wambrook valley view
South West England, United Kingdom
- 34.37 miles
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Spacebat took it to Makka Pakka's Fetish
South West England, United Kingdom
- 34.64 miles
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