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Travel Bug Dog Tag Brucki - der fraenkische Wander-Braunbaer

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Hagbard112 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Bayern, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In J'ville Rails-to-Trails - IHO Ranger TJ

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Current Goal

Ich möchte einmal um die Welt und alle Kontinente bereisen, bevor ich mich wieder in meine Heimat, das schöne Frankenland aufmache (zu meinem Besitzter Hagbard112). Bitte macht schöne Bilder (besonders mir anderen Bären).

I want to travel all over the world and visit all Kontinents. Than i want to go back in my beautiful Frankenland (to my owner Hagbard112). Please Take pictures (especially with other Bears).

About This Item

Ich bin Brucki. Ich bin ein fraenkischer Wander-Braunbär aus Erlangen-Bruck. Meine Mission seht Ihr oben. Bitte helft mir und nehmt mich mit, denn meine Beine sind zu kurz um alleine zu reisen.

My name is Brucki. I´am a frankophonian Hiking-Brown-Bear from the City of Erlangen-Bruck (Germany, Bavaria). You can see my mission above. Please help me and take me with you, because my Legs are too short to travel alone.

Gallery Images related to Brucki - der fraenkische Wander-Braunbaer

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    Tracking History (764.1mi) View Map

    Write note 8/14/2012 ncfinn posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Unfortunately Brucki seems to have disappeared.

    Dropped Off 12/26/2009 hudacko placed it in J'ville Rails-to-Trails - IHO Ranger TJ North Carolina - 607.39 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 12/22/2009 hudacko retrieved it from Rainy Days and Mondays North Carolina   Visit Log

    Slipped Brucki out of the cache to move him someplace near Fayetteville. Maybe a soldier will take him along to someplace in Asia or Australia.

    Discovered It 11/21/2009 binaryflow discovered it   Visit Log

    Saw this TB in a cache that my daughter and I found today.

    Dropped Off 11/9/2009 Parboy placed it in Rainy Days and Mondays North Carolina - 20.46 miles  Visit Log
    Write note 9/28/2009 Parboy posted a note for it   Visit Log

    This little guy is in Raleigh NC with me and I will be taking him to an Oktoberfest Celebration this weekend. I am sure it will not be anything like his homeland Oktoberfest but there will be Bier, Oom-pah and Tanz. There will be pics

    • octf 008 Sitting in with the Band at Octoberfest
    • octf 013 Taking a break from his travels.
    • ZIGGY ZAGGY ZIGGY ZAGGY OY OY OY more beer? better pace yourself
    • Found a friend!  Lets do the Chicken dance
    • Brucki has had too much.  We will make sure he gets home safe.
    • Going to play with the band
    Discovered It 9/12/2009 htomc42 discovered it   Visit Log

    Saw it today in the SRAC cache, with the CITO group.

    Retrieve It from a Cache 9/12/2009 Parboy retrieved it from SRAC North Carolina   Visit Log

    Grabbed this guy and will travel him around a bit!

    Dropped Off 8/19/2009 Hunster placed it in SRAC North Carolina - 628.11 miles  Visit Log
    Discovered It 8/19/2009 ecpirate discovered it   Visit Log

    Hunster shared this Travel bug with me as we prepared to go on a day long cache run.

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