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Travel Bug Dog Tag yellow smiley people

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Famousgreen5 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, February 20, 2009
West Midlands, United Kingdom
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of w1qa.

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Current Goal

;-) pick me up and take me around the world to see every country that you can and more to bring smiley faces to all ;-)

About This Item

;-)pick me up and take a smiley face along with me so take 2 things not just 1;-) I've got a yellow tan so take me to cold places as well as hot :-)

Tracking History (46767.8mi) View Map

Visited 7/19/2024 w1qa took it to Virtual Reward 3.0 Welcome to PEI! Prince Edward Island, Canada - 6.66 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/19/2024 w1qa took it to Cumberland Cove Cache Prince Edward Island, Canada - 6.38 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/19/2024 w1qa took it to Gateway Village 3 - I Saw the Sign Prince Edward Island, Canada - 3,134.85 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/10/2024 w1qa took it to Beach Visit Nova Scotia, Canada - 49.82 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/6/2023 w1qa took it to i feel like a leaf Nova Scotia, Canada - 443.81 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/6/2023 w1qa took it to ToNS Series #44: Blacksmith's Nectar Nova Scotia, Canada - 437.29 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/1/2023 w1qa took it to Camp White Cache Massachusetts - 3,638.36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/13/2022 w1qa took it to Här skall staden ligga/ This is where the city... Västra Götaland, Sweden - .17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/13/2022 w1qa took it to Mingo, 15 years later Västra Götaland, Sweden - 3,327.1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/13/2022 w1qa took it to Trojan Way West Virginia - 721.68 miles  Visit Log
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