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Travel Bug Dog Tag Ridgeback

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Monday, March 30, 2009
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In Penamacor

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Current Goal

Målet för TB Ridgeback är att resa till Sydafrika och gärna träffa rhodesian ridgeback-hundar på rasens hemmaplan. Om Ridgeback får chansen att vara i Sydafrika under fotbolls-VM där 2010 vore det kanon. Därefter vill vi att vår kompis kommer tillbaka till Göteborg igen! Bilder av den på sin väg uppskattas mycket!

Eng: TB Ridgeback would like to go to South Africa, and if possible be there during the football world championship 2010 (although Sweden will not be playing...). When TB Ridgeback has been to South Africa it wants to come back to Gothenburg, Sweden, again! Photos are very appreciated!

About This Item


Våra två hundar är av den sydafrikanska rasen rhodesian ridgeback. Denna TB är deras och därför får den också målet att besöka "hemlandet" Sydafrika! TB:n har ett foto på våra hundar och det finns även lite av deras päls inlaminerat.

Eng: We have two dogs of the South African breed rhodesian ridgeback. This is their TB and that is why the goal is to visit South Africa! The TB has a photo of our dogs and some fur that is laminated.

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Tracking History (58548.8mi) View Map

Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to De Propeller Overijssel, Netherlands - 5.34 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to De plek waar ik mijn eerste cache vond. Overijssel, Netherlands - 1.02 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to Aan de rand van Tilligte #3 Overijssel, Netherlands - .88 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to Aan de rand van Tilligte #1 - reloaded - Overijssel, Netherlands - 6.14 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to 76a - Fietsknooppunt Overijssel, Netherlands - 5.26 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to Rondje Rioolwaterzuivering Overijssel, Netherlands - 4.65 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to Monument Lockheed Lemselo Overijssel, Netherlands - .99 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to Monument Lancaster Rossum Overijssel, Netherlands - 1.38 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to Met STIP op de kaart ......Tilligte Overijssel, Netherlands - 4.92 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 2/21/2023 Wolly Wolly took it to Koe #43 de BOE-nus Overijssel, Netherlands - .28 miles  Visit Log

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