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Jellyfish's 2008 Geocoin ICM's Replacement Coin - Jellyfish

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IceCreamMan Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Florida, United States
Recently Spotted:
In GC12 5/12/2000

This is not collectible.

Use TB28BK6 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

To travel the world logging miles and meeting cachers on the cache trail and at events.

About This Item

Replacement Coin

Take me anywhere but please don't keep me. I want to keep moving.

Note:  This is a replacement for the original coin which has been lost, stollen, or is otherwise MIA.

Gallery Images related to ICM's Replacement Coin - Jellyfish

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Tracking History (35248.6mi) View Map

Visited 9/24/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to Time and Oxidation Washington - 60.57 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 9/23/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to The Great Sequim Bike Race - Stage 2 Washington - .13 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 9/23/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to The Great Sequim Bike Race - Stage 3 Washington - .26 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 9/23/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to The Great Sequim Bike Race - Stage 1 Washington - 2.85 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 9/23/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to Fred's 4WD Washington - .13 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 9/23/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to The Great Sequim Bike Race - Stage 4 Washington - 2.11 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 9/23/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to Sequim TB Hotel 782 Washington - 2.41 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 9/23/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to Another skirtlifter Washington - 4.24 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 9/23/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to Landsharks Beware Washington - .38 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 9/23/2023 roeckeline2010 took it to Nasty Nano Knockoff Washington - 3.96 miles  Visit Log

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