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Travel Bug Dog Tag TB F5A 007

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007tm Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Schütze die geheimen "Missions Command" vor den Spionen.Entdecke den letzten Geheimauftrag, oder verstecke mich gut in vielen Caches.......

About This Item

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Gallery Images related to TB F5A 007

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Tracking History (4088.1mi) View Map

Visited 1/24/2012 Sterling-Cache took it to Off Yer Trolley! (Burgess Hill) South East England, United Kingdom - 44.34 miles  Visit Log
Visited 1/23/2012 Sterling-Cache took it to 6. NT Dunstable Downs Trail - Picnic Glade Eastern England, United Kingdom - 52.18 miles  Visit Log
  • 329 - Picnic Glade - Disc T Bug
Visited 1/20/2012 Sterling-Cache took it to Church Micro 33...Copthorne South East England, United Kingdom - 31.78 miles  Visit Log
  • Too dark to see Church
Retrieve It from a Cache 1/19/2012 Sterling-Cache retrieved it from Cache and Dash: Tree Surgeon #5 (CITO) Eastern England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Saved the disc from a flooding, the stream was flowing fast at 12:50

Dropped Off 1/13/2012 kareninwb placed it in Cache and Dash: Tree Surgeon #5 (CITO) Eastern England, United Kingdom - 79.98 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/17/2011 kareninwb took it to 5. COMMON GROUND Eastern England, United Kingdom - 86.6 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/27/2011 kareninwb retrieved it from 500th Trail #3 – One Puff Eastern England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Found on an autumnal afternoon in Chelmsford, Essex

Dropped Off 11/19/2011 teamwebbies placed it in 500th Trail #3 – One Puff Eastern England, United Kingdom - 17.34 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/11/2011 teamwebbies retrieved it from Racing Green London, United Kingdom   Visit Log


Dropped Off 10/28/2011 Claire78 placed it in Racing Green London, United Kingdom - .25 miles  Visit Log
data on this page is cached for 3 mins