TBJG91 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Personal tracking bug from 01/29/05 to 04/29/08.
On 04/29/08 Where's Daddy? was placed in the Hyatt Regency Travel Bug Hotel in Johnson City, TN.
This bug has traveled with the owner along his journey to his 2K find.
Due to the the number of finds and all of the mileage thus far, after spending a few moments in the Hotel to relax, Where's Daddy? was then retrieved and retired to commemorate the achievement and capture the mileage of the SpongeBob CachePants family to this point.
For those who discovered this bug along our travels, don't fret, we haven't stopped.
Look for many exciting adventures to follow.
Check us out here.
Thanks to all the fellow cachers whose hides helped make this accomplish possible.
Also, thanks to Blue&Gray for accompanying me most of the way.
~SpongeBob CachePants
Gallery Images related to xxRETIREDxx - Where's Daddy? meow souvenir Where's Daddy? SBCP SpongeBob_CachePants Earth SpongeBob(5).jpg SpongeBob(4).jpg SpongeBob(3).jpg SpongeBob(2).jpg SpongeBob(1).jpg grace clip_image001.jpg SpongeBob.gif Drain Knight SpongeBob ICTHUSView All 33 Gallery Images
TB retired after my 2000 find at Hyatt Regency Travel Bug Hotel in Johnson City, TN on April 29, 2008.
Total mileage accumulated = 38,531.4mi
#2000 Check TB I/O.
#1999 Check TB I/O.
#1998 Check TB I/O.
#1997 Check TB I/O.
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