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Punktegeier Geocoin

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Sonnenblume57 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
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Tracking History (38371.2mi) View Map

Visited 10/30/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to LBWDP #2 Brandenburg, Germany - .15 miles  Visit Log


Visited 10/30/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to 💚 LBWDP #1 💚 Brandenburg, Germany - 7.21 miles  Visit Log


Visited 10/8/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to Teich am Funkmast Brandenburg, Germany - 1.29 miles  Visit Log


Visited 10/8/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to Mietzekatzenwalk Brandenburg, Germany - 1.38 miles  Visit Log


Visited 10/8/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to Seelenort Brandenburg, Germany - .17 miles  Visit Log


Visited 10/8/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to Von hier nach dort Brandenburg, Germany - 124.21 miles  Visit Log


Visited 10/3/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to Stawa Młyny - Virtual Reward 2.0 Zachodniopomorskie, Poland - 215.45 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/16/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to Larix Petri silvae Ústecký kraj, Czechia - 126.3 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/9/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to WWFM XX - 2. Brandenburger Seifenblasen Event Brandenburg, Germany - 310.78 miles  Visit Log


Visited 8/19/2023 Sonnenblume57 took it to Rastplatz Roseburg Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 201.86 miles  Visit Log


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