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Travel Bug Dog Tag _GST Leiria CA-2005 TB Dog Tag

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Thursday, December 22, 2005
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Travel, travel, travel... travel around the world!

About This Item

Leiria CA-2005 TB

A 'Canada Geocoin' não é "trackable" em, mas é em! Obrigatório é fazer o "log" do TB no site oficial, o "log" da geocoin, em, é opcional.

Gallery Images related to _GST Leiria CA-2005 TB Dog Tag

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Tracking History (6757.8mi) View Map

Dropped Off 9/8/2006 CrisLuiz placed it in Prado do Vidoal [Gerês - pt+en] Braga, Portugal - 178.02 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 9/3/2006 CrisLuiz retrieved it from Sopa da Pedra Santarém, Portugal   Visit Log

Lets go travelling! Let´s see where is your next stop...I´ll try to drop you off soon, so that you can be on your way!

Dropped Off 8/31/2006 Lopesco placed it in Sopa da Pedra Santarém, Portugal - 50.61 miles  Visit Log

Desculpa ter demorado tanto tempo... :p

[This entry was edited by Lopesco on Friday, September 01, 2006 at 1:46:59 PM.]

Retrieve It from a Cache 7/16/2006 Lopesco retrieved it from Penedo da Amizade [Sintra] Lisboa, Portugal   Visit Log

Bamos lá...

Dropped Off 7/15/2006 lynx pardinus placed it in Penedo da Amizade [Sintra] Lisboa, Portugal - 99.92 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 7/14/2006 lynx pardinus grabbed it   Visit Log

Lumacafi handed it to me in the latest Lisbon Geomeeting.

Discovered It 7/7/2006 Lord of the Rocks discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it at a dinner with a fantastic bunch of happy geocachers.

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 7/7/2006 lumacafi grabbed it   Visit Log

Grabed it while having dinner with a bunch of local geocachers. Lovely coin by the way.

Retrieve It from a Cache 7/2/2006 rifkindsss retrieved it from Natureza Coimbra, Portugal   Visit Log

Vamos levar-te mais para sul! 😉

Em princípio no próximo fim de semana já te arranjamos um novo poiso para os lados de Lisboa! 😎


Dropped Off 6/18/2006 uikamau placed it in Natureza Coimbra, Portugal - 31.51 miles  Visit Log
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