TBJ6GG [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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This second incarnation of In Memory of Eric Andolsek would like to vist the Heroes Park cache in Thibodeaux, LA. He would then like to have his picture taken in front Ford Field in Detroit, new home of the Lions. Then return him to Super Hero Stash & Dash
The original In Memory of Eric Andolsek came up missing from a geocaching event in Kentucy on 9/27/08
Eric was the cousin of two brothers that I was good friends with in high school back in St. Martinville, La. He was a very popular player at LSU and I was very happy to see him having success in the NFL. Read more about him by clicking HERE.
Gallery Images related to In Memory of Eric Andolsek eric_andolsek.JPGView All 12 Gallery Images
sorry for this being out of play for so long, was trying to move it to colorado, but traveling has not been accomplished, so i placed it in one of my caches.
Hello. I will pass this on soon.
Still there in "Caring for Bunny" JPohaku
Took TB and moved to another cache
This is the 2nd incarnation of this TB. Time to get back out on the road. Its football season!
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