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Travel Bug Dog Tag Goin to the Chapel

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howdyHoot Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, April 11, 2005
District of Columbia, United States
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Oh, no! We got engaged in DC, but left our wedding rings there by mistake when we left. Help these rings get back to San Antonio in time for our wedding (Jan 28, 2006)!

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Tracking History (2499.6mi) View Map

Discovered It 2/15/2015 GPSannes discovered it   Visit Log


Retrieve It from a Cache 12/11/2005 howdyHoot retrieved it from A Subdivision Too Soon Texas   Visit Log

Yeah! Finally got a chance to pick up our precious rings after they made it all the way from Washington DC. And just in time for the wedding, too!

Thanks to everyone who helped scoot our TB a little further along his journey. We certainly had fun watching him bounce around different places.

Happy geocaching!

Dropped Off 12/10/2005 Zulu451 placed it in A Subdivision Too Soon Texas - 3.55 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 11/12/2005 Zulu451 grabbed it   Visit Log

Actually my 6 yo picked this one up in BEETREE in McAllister Park. She was pretty geeked about the lip gloss. I will drop it off somewhere else here is SAN ANTONIO this week.

Dropped Off 10/9/2005 randehaus placed it in San Antonio Bead Game Texas - 8.6 miles  Visit Log
Write note 10/9/2005 randehaus posted a note for it   Visit Log

I dropped off "Goin to the Chapel (Travel Bug Dog Tag) Travel Bug in the following Geocache Site: "San Antonio Bead Game TB Hotel." It is located in McCallister Park. It is there for you to pick up.


Retrieve It from a Cache 8/31/2005 randehaus retrieved it from Byrd Hotel Texas   Visit Log

I was the 5th guest of this new TB Hotel. For a rookie, I am moving up on the charts...LOLOLOL:) It is an easy "Park-n-Grab" and a great location for TB (near a major highway), as long as mugglers don't get wise. Ammo can is attached by a cable to a post or bush, with plastic ziploc bag inside. I will email the couple to be and see now that their rings are in "San Antone" how they want their rings delivered.

Dropped Off 8/25/2005 Cybercat placed it in Byrd Hotel Texas - 59.77 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 8/17/2005 Cybercat retrieved it from "You're not in Kansas anymore, Judy!!!" Texas   Visit Log

Taking this one back to San Antonio!

Dropped Off 8/17/2005 Gadget Girl placed it in "You're not in Kansas anymore, Judy!!!" Texas - 531.41 miles  Visit Log
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