TB1RJ0H [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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I was once part of a larger group that just hung around. I want to get out and travel around and have some fun.
If you are able to take pictures of me at various locations on my journey I would really appreciate it.
Gallery Images related to A Red Bead A Red BeadView All 2 Gallery Images
This bug needs to move again...
Picked it up today and will pass it along soon!
Will move it on down the trail.
Interesting that this TB hasn't been seen in 5 years....I picked it up from GC2ATCM and brought it home to Santa Cruz where it will continue moving.
It is my pleasure to drop off this T.B. in an interesting and beautiful area. I hope that it sees a lot of territory soon. Alan - W6LSU
Found this TB in "Don't Touch the Bones", GC104D9. I will pass it on soon. Alan - W6LSU, ham3
Picked up at Clipper Gap will be off to the coast for some new scenery pics to follow
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