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Travel Bug Dog Tag Flat Stanley

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warhammr Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Recently Spotted:
In U-Boot im Untergrund

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Current Goal

Flat Stanley wants to visit China, his mission is to visit, and tour China, and then travel back to California to tell about his adventures.

About This Item

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley is a school project, my daughter's second grade teacher had each student color a picture, then she instructed them to 'send' it out on an adventure. She recommended sending him by mail. We decided that we would modify him a little bit and make him into a travel bug. So here he his. Please show him some adventures and please, please post some pictures of him so we can share them with the class.

Gallery Images related to Flat Stanley

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Tracking History (18356.1mi) View Map

Dropped Off 11/9/2014 Bopp77 placed it in U-Boot im Untergrund Niedersachsen, Germany   Visit Log
Visited 11/9/2014 Bopp77 took it to U-Boot im Untergrund Niedersachsen, Germany - 3.38 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/2/2014 Bopp77 retrieved it from Teststrecke Niedersachsen, Germany   Visit Log

I picked up Stanley at a sea nearby. Come along. I will take him to my cache 'submarine in the underground'.

Dropped Off 10/12/2014 cache-crusher placed it in Teststrecke Niedersachsen, Germany - .18 miles  Visit Log

Stanley made a nice journey today at a nature conservation area. He traveld by bike and saw some nice birds, goats and a rare old plane (Ju52).
After a while, he decided to stay at a nice place with a beautiful view around the north of Hildesheim.

Have a nice journey
Best regards

  • Stanley's view to Hildesheim
Visited 10/12/2014 cache-crusher took it to Alte Buche Niedersachsen, Germany - .14 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/12/2014 cache-crusher took it to Kleines Getier Niedersachsen, Germany - .42 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/12/2014 cache-crusher took it to Hoch hinaus...ehemaliger Truppenübungsplatz Niedersachsen, Germany - 30.67 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 10/11/2014 cache-crusher grabbed it   Visit Log

Today I retrieved this TB from the cache 'Amtsschimmel Nr.1'.

This nice TB will travel with me to one of my caches found next ...

Best regards,

Dropped Off 8/2/2014 GEKO Team placed it in Sommersause an ne Ecke 2014 Niedersachsen, Germany - 4.44 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 8/2/2014 GEKO Team retrieved it from TB Hotel "Zum himlischen Frieden" Niedersachsen, Germany   Visit Log


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