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Geotag by 2Dudez GeoTag

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2Dudez Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Victoria, Australia
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

I'm on a mission to travel from cache to cache. Help me complete my goal!
Tag! You're it!

About This Item

2Dudez GeoTag

Please keep me inside Australia.
I also don't like to sit still, so please don't hang on to me for too long. A big thank-you to for the gift of this tag.
This coin was MIA for nearly a year, so PLEASE make sure it is logged in and out of caches properly.

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Tracking History (913.1mi) View Map

Dropped Off 10/3/2009 wink. inc placed it in Rebirth Through Fire Australian Capital Territory, Australia - 9.73 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/1/2009 wink. inc retrieved it from Spot the Cache Australian Capital Territory, Australia   Visit Log

found in spot and will move on soon


Dropped Off 10/1/2009 winglen placed it in Spot the Cache Australian Capital Territory, Australia - 273.31 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 9/26/2009 winglen retrieved it from Downed But Not Out Australian Capital Territory, Australia   Visit Log

And onwards!

Dropped Off 9/26/2009 winglen placed it in Downed But Not Out Australian Capital Territory, Australia - 110.22 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 9/21/2009 winglen grabbed it   Visit Log

Hmmm, found this coin in a cache somewhere near Nelson Bay or Gosford. I didn't record where because I expected it to be correctly logged in. Anyway, looks like one lost coin has turned up, and I will drop it somewhere soon.

Retrieve It from a Cache 11/28/2008 2Dudez retrieved it from Don't Fence Me In ! New South Wales, Australia   Visit Log

Adding to TB graveyard until found or logged into another cache.

Write note 11/8/2008 Punga and Paua posted a note for it   Visit Log

Visited this cache but did not see this geocoin in the cache.

Dropped Off 9/1/2008 paysandu placed it in Don't Fence Me In ! New South Wales, Australia - 20.13 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 8/30/2008 paysandu retrieved it from The Great Divide New South Wales, Australia   Visit Log

retrieve from The Great Divide

data on this page is cached for 3 mins